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Sony’s E3 2017 PlayStation live blog

Sony’s E3 2017 PlayStation live blog

Good evening!!
Just over 24 hours after the Xbox One X was revealed, Sony is ready to enter the ring. Of course, the Playstation maker doesn’t seem to have any new hardware to announce, but we expect loads of new games!
We’ll be bringing you the action live right here (as long as the Wifi doesn’t crap out).
Darrell Etherington4 DAYS AGO
Jordan Crook4 DAYS AGO
It’s looking like we’re done. Thanks for following along, folks! 
Darrell Etherington4 DAYS AGO
Darrell Etherington4 DAYS AGO
2018 for Spider-Man
Darrell Etherington4 DAYS AGO
Darrell Etherington4 DAYS AGO
Darrell Etherington4 DAYS AGO
Jordan Crook4 DAYS AGO
Sorry I’d like to tell you what’s up but I’m engrossed in this trailer for Spiderman. 
Darrell Etherington4 DAYS AGO
Jordan Crook4 DAYS AGO
Now we’re watching Spiderman game on PS4. It looks pretty badass. And it’s a Playstation exclusive. 
Jordan Crook4 DAYS AGO
We just saw the Destiny 2 trailer. Available September 6. Exclusive gear, etc. on PS4. 
Jordan Crook4 DAYS AGO
Androids rise up, but they’re also the protagonists. Very “West World”
Darrell Etherington4 DAYS AGO
Darrell Etherington4 DAYS AGO
Darrell Etherington4 DAYS AGO
Jordan Crook4 DAYS AGO
We think this is Detroit: Becoming Human. 
Darrell Etherington4 DAYS AGO
Jordan Crook4 DAYS AGO
And on to the next trailer. 
Darrell Etherington4 DAYS AGO
Darrell Etherington4 DAYS AGO
Darrell Etherington4 DAYS AGO
Jordan Crook4 DAYS AGO
“Early 2018” 
Darrell Etherington4 DAYS AGO
Darrell Etherington4 DAYS AGO
Jordan Crook4 DAYS AGO
This God of War trailer is amazing. 
Jordan Crook4 DAYS AGO
So beautiful. 
Jordan Crook4 DAYS AGO
We’re looking at a God of War sequel, would seem. 
Jordan Crook4 DAYS AGO
We’re doing our best with images. Wifi in here is spotty. 
Darrell Etherington4 DAYS AGO
Jordan Crook4 DAYS AGO
The game is called Moss and I don’t understand. 
Jordan Crook4 DAYS AGO
A mouse with a sword. Also, called a tooth pick. 
Darrell Etherington4 DAYS AGO
Jordan Crook4 DAYS AGO
This is some kinda game where a mouse is your friend. Again, very Fern Gully. 
Darrell Etherington4 DAYS AGO
Jordan Crook4 DAYS AGO
Bravo Team, release date TBD. 
Jordan Crook4 DAYS AGO
Monster of the Deep, Final Fantasy XV, September 2017 
Jordan Crook4 DAYS AGO
The Inpatient, looks similar to Wilson’s Heart…. also new IP built for VR. 
Darrell Etherington4 DAYS AGO
Jordan Crook4 DAYS AGO
That last trailer was called Star Child. Seems to be new IP. 
Darrell Etherington4 DAYS AGO
Darrell Etherington4 DAYS AGO
Jordan Crook4 DAYS AGO
Now we’re on to the next VR trailer. 
Darrell Etherington4 DAYS AGO
Jordan Crook4 DAYS AGO
They didn’t say when Skyrim VR would be available. 
Jordan Crook4 DAYS AGO
I THINK we’re looking at Skyrim VR. 
Darrell Etherington4 DAYS AGO
Jordan Crook4 DAYS AGO
Looks like we’re heading into a little PSVR demo. Somehow. 
Darrell Etherington4 DAYS AGO
Jordan Crook4 DAYS AGO
Omg this looks amazing. I CAN’T WAIT!
Darrell Etherington4 DAYS AGO
Darrell Etherington4 DAYS AGO
Darrell Etherington4 DAYS AGO
Jordan Crook4 DAYS AGO
This is my game!!!! Activision is showing off more CoD WW2. 
Darrell Etherington4 DAYS AGO
Just the story demo today, to be clear.
Darrell Etherington4 DAYS AGO
Jordan Crook4 DAYS AGO
You can download that today, btw. 
Darrell Etherington4 DAYS AGO
Darrell Etherington4 DAYS AGO
Jordan Crook4 DAYS AGO
Correction: Marvel vs. Capcom… with the Avengers.
Darrell Etherington4 DAYS AGO
Jordan Crook4 DAYS AGO
Jordan Crook4 DAYS AGO
For those who don’t know, Shadow of the Colossus was originally a PS2 game.
Darrell Etherington4 DAYS AGO
Jordan Crook4 DAYS AGO
HD Remastered… probably. 
Jordan Crook4 DAYS AGO
Crowd is freaking out. Coming 2018. 
Darrell Etherington4 DAYS AGO
Jordan Crook4 DAYS AGO
Time for the next trailer. Blue Point games presents Shadow of the Colossus !!! 
Darrell Etherington4 DAYS AGO
Jordan Crook4 DAYS AGO
Sony is going BIG on these game trailers. Fire just shot out of the stage for this game reveal. 
Darrell Etherington4 DAYS AGO
Jordan Crook4 DAYS AGO
This is a beloved franchise. Huge deal! 
Jordan Crook4 DAYS AGO
Capcom presents… Monster Hunter World! 
Jordan Crook4 DAYS AGO
Darrell Etherington4 DAYS AGO
Darrell Etherington4 DAYS AGO
Jordan Crook4 DAYS AGO
This next game looks like Fern Gully…. it’s not.
Jordan Crook4 DAYS AGO
And we’re on to the next game… 
Darrell Etherington4 DAYS AGO
Jordan Crook4 DAYS AGO
“VR is now a consumer product, and our consoles are the most powerful than they’ve ever been.” 
Jordan Crook4 DAYS AGO
Sony’s Shaun Layton is on the stage. 
Jordan Crook4 DAYS AGO
The game is called “Days Gone” and I must have it. It included a zombie bear, for goodness sakes. 
Jordan Crook4 DAYS AGO
Darrell says he couldn’t play this game: “Too freaky.” 
Darrell Etherington4 DAYS AGO
Jordan Crook4 DAYS AGO
This game looks amazing. 
Jordan Crook4 DAYS AGO
OMG. Sony has live people hanging down from the ceiling as part of this game-play video. 
Darrell Etherington4 DAYS AGO
Darrell Etherington4 DAYS AGO
Darrell Etherington4 DAYS AGO
Darrell Etherington4 DAYS AGO
Jordan Crook4 DAYS AGO
Worth noting that not a single human being from Sony has come on stage yet. We’re on to the third trailer. 
Darrell Etherington4 DAYS AGO
Jordan Crook4 DAYS AGO
It’s called The Frozen Wilds. 
Jordan Crook4 DAYS AGO
Horizon Zero Dawn expansion DLC! 
Darrell Etherington4 DAYS AGO
Darrell Etherington4 DAYS AGO
Jordan Crook4 DAYS AGO
It’s now snowing on stage as we lead in to the next trailer. 
Darrell Etherington4 DAYS AGO
Jordan Crook4 DAYS AGO
Female protagonists FTW 
Jordan Crook4 DAYS AGO
We’re watching a video. Sony Interactive presents Uncharted: The Lost Legacy. 
Jordan Crook4 DAYS AGO
We’re watching a video. Sony Interactive presents Uncharted: The Lost Legacy. 
Darrell Etherington4 DAYS AGO
Darrell Etherington4 DAYS AGO
Jordan Crook4 DAYS AGO
That was insanity. 
Jordan Crook4 DAYS AGO
Crowd goes wild as a waterfall pours down behind them. WITH DESIGNS! WTF! 
Jordan Crook4 DAYS AGO
There’s a band playing music on stage. 
Darrell Etherington4 DAYS AGO
Jordan Crook4 DAYS AGO
Lights are dimmed! Sony’s E3 presentation starts RIGHT NOW!

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